Group work is an effective exercise for recovery treatment. Participants gain insight into their problems through group sharing. Also, they learn practical skills of how to maintain sobriety from one another. Those who join can form a new network of safe recovering friends. WE CARE's educational and therapy programmes target at relapse prevention, emotional management or addiction awareness education.
Our popular programmes include the following:
SMART stands for Self-Management And Recovery Training.
Founded in 1994, SMART Recovery is the leading self-empowering support group in addiction recovery. Participants learn psychological tools for recovery based on the latest scientific data drawn from outcome research on addiction treatments and observational studies of 'natural recovery' and participate in a worldwide community that includes free, self-empowering, science-based mutual help groups.
It is a secular programme that helps people to recover from all types of addiction (substances or activities). SMART Recovery supports individuals who have chosen to abstain, or are considering abstinence from any type of addictive behaviours, by teaching how to change defeatist thinking, emotions, and actions; and to work towards long-term fulfilment and quality of life. This approach reinforces self-reliance and self-directed change.
SMART Recovery is a recognised resource for substance abuse and addiction recovery by the American Academy of Family Physicians, the Center for Health Care Evaluation, The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), US Department of Health and Human Services, and the American Society of Addiction Medicine.
Over 1700 weekly group meetings led by Registered SMART Recovery Facilitators are held worldwide. Each meeting is 90-minutes long and consists of checking-in, agenda-setting, group discussion, and checkout.
WE CARE offers weekly SMART Recovery support group meetings for our registered members. Our meeting is also listed under the SMART recovery website, as well as the SMART International website. Our facilitators are Registered SMART Recovery Facilitators.
Interested participants are required to undergo an interview.
To register for this programme or to make enquires, email or call 3165 8017.
The Women's Therapy Group is a weekly group meeting for women in recovery. It provides a safe space to share their stories of struggle and hope. The group also helps to reintegrate the participants into the community, and re-establish relationships with their loved ones.
Topics covered range from dealing with difficult emotions, relationships and self-care, to learning skills towards relapse prevention. The sessions are engaging and interactive. Over time there is an increased openness within the group as women gain confidence to share their experiences and provide feedback to one another.
In July 2017, our Women’s Therapy Group was featured on Channel NewsAsia (CNA).
Interested participants are required to undergo an interview.
Those who are interested should contact 3165 8017 or email
Mindfulness is the art of being present in the moment.
The practice of mindfulness can affect our minds in positive ways to promote physical, emotional and mental well-being.
Amongst other things, it can help to reduce anxiety, create greater self-awareness and and enable us to better cope with our emotions.
Mindfulness is currently conducted twice weekly for clients of WE CARE.
To find out out more, kindly contact 3165 8017 or email
This support group is meant for family members, significant others and close friends of those affected by addiction.
The group is facilitated by a WE CARE counsellor and participants will:
If you wish to join the group, kindly email or call us at 3165 8017.
12 Steps is a set of principles that guides the recovery of those who suffer from a substance or behavioural addiction. The 12-step recovery programme encourages members to practice Honesty, Open-mindedness and Willingness (H.O.W)— a key to sobriety and serenity. The collective sharing process helps newly recovering persons to manage their impulses. Studies show that addicts who follow the 12 Step programme were three times more likely to be alcohol- or drug-free following their primary treatment, compared to those who did not.
WE CARE offers a 4-session introduction to 12 Steps, after which our clients can move on to the 12 Steps workshop.
WE CARE has a support group called “Family and Friends Support Group”. Facilitated by WE CARE counsellors, this group is meant for caregivers, spouses, partners, family members or friends affected by an addicted loved one.
"Family & Friends" teaches effective strategies for self-care and how to cope with the recovering addict. The support group focuses on changing the way you interact with the recovering loved one. Using the CRAFT Model and SMART Recovery tools, we will touch on important topics that family members and friends experience, including:
The goals for "Family & Friends" are
"Family & Friends" takes place twice a month. For details, check out the schedule here.
If you are an affected caregiver. family member or friend and you wish to attend "Family & Friends", call: 3165 8017 or email to: to register.
SMART Recovery
SMART stands for Self-Management & Recovery Training. Participants learn tools for addiction recovery based on the latest scientific research and participate in a world-wide community which includes free, self-empowering, science-based mutual help groups. All facilitators are registered SMART Recovery Facilitators.
SMART is an ongoing closed group and caters to individuals with a history of addiction. Interested participants are required to undergo a clinical intake before attending SMART Recovery.
If interested, please email
Details of the schedule for SMART can be found here
Mindfulness For Recovery
Mindfulness for Recovery is an open group to learn and practice mindfulness. Mindfulness helps participants to break away from their own destructive habitual patterns. All facilitators have personal experience practising mindfulness. This group is catered for people with a history of addictions, reactive behaviours and/or mood disorders.
Programme Details
Details of the schedule for Mindfulness can be found here
To register: call 3165 8017 or email