1 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) https://www.drugabuse.gov/
NIDA's mission is to advance science on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction and to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health.
2 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) https://www.samhsa.gov/
Alcoholics Anonymous Called the “12 and 12” in AA, this is the best available source for someone wishing to understand the traditions and steps more completely. The book includes heartfelt stories and vignettes illustrating the points made in the text.
1989, Halzelden
Patrick Carnes
An excellent and practical book for people in the process of healing from addiction. It is in workbook form and provides structured exercises to help recovering people integrate the twelve steps into their lives.
1994, Hazelden
Patrick Carnes
This text takes techniques used by thousands of people recovering from sex addiction and shows in a step-by-step manner how to break free of this disease and live a healthier, more fulfilling life. Each chapter provides practical exercises designed to address topics like dealing with the power of denial, facing the consequences of behaviour, using recovery principles, how to respond to change and crisis, and how to manage life without dysfunctional behaviour.
2001, Hazelden
Melody Beattie
Is someone else's problem your problem? If, like so many others, you've lost sight of your own life in the drama of tending to someone else's, you may be codependent--and you may find yourself in this book--Codependent No More.
The healing touchstone of millions, this modern classic by one of America's best-loved and most inspirational authors holds the key to understanding codependency and to unlocking its stultifying hold on your life
Debtors Anonymous
An official publication of The Debtors Anonymous 12-Step Fellowship, this book describes the basics of the Debtors Anonymous Recovery Program. It includes success stories of D.A. members and offers experience, strength, and hope to help other compulsive debtors and all those who want to stop incurring unsecured debt.
1999, General Service Board of Trustees, Inc.
Bill Lee
This is Bill Lee’s story of his gambling addiction, which is set in San Francisco ’s China Town and steeped in a culture where it is not unheard of for gamblers to lose their children to a bet. With gritty honesty and true humility, Lee describes what gambling addiction feels like and looks like from the inside and tells the story of the gambling binge that brought him to financial ruin. In the end, however, Born to Lose is a memoir of hope as Lee reveals how recovery from his gambling addiction has been possible through the Twelve-Step Program.
2005, Hazelden
WE CARE has a support group called “Family and Friends Support Group”. Facilitated by WE CARE counsellors, this group is meant for caregivers, spouses, partners, family members or friends affected by an addicted loved one.
"Family & Friends" teaches effective strategies for self-care and how to cope with the recovering addict. The support group focuses on changing the way you interact with the recovering loved one. Using the CRAFT Model and SMART Recovery tools, we will touch on important topics that family members and friends experience, including:
The goals for "Family & Friends" are
"Family & Friends" takes place twice a month. For details, check out the schedule here.
If you are an affected caregiver. family member or friend and you wish to attend "Family & Friends", call: 3165 8017 or email to: help@wecare.org.sg to register.
SMART Recovery
SMART stands for Self-Management & Recovery Training. Participants learn tools for addiction recovery based on the latest scientific research and participate in a world-wide community which includes free, self-empowering, science-based mutual help groups. All facilitators are registered SMART Recovery Facilitators.
SMART is an ongoing closed group and caters to individuals with a history of addiction. Interested participants are required to undergo a clinical intake before attending SMART Recovery.
If interested, please email help@wecare.org.sg
Details of the schedule for SMART can be found here
Mindfulness For Recovery
Mindfulness for Recovery is an open group to learn and practice mindfulness. Mindfulness helps participants to break away from their own destructive habitual patterns. All facilitators have personal experience practising mindfulness. This group is catered for people with a history of addictions, reactive behaviours and/or mood disorders.
Programme Details
Details of the schedule for Mindfulness can be found here
To register: call 3165 8017 or email admin@wecare.org.sg